Maybe it’s your first time taking professional photos together or a little added pressure now being engaged. Every photographer will have a different approach to things but here are some tips, tricks, outfit inspiration and random things to keep in mind.

Get there a little early.

Not for me, but for you. Get out, stretch, fool around and scope the area out. Shake the nerves out and just have a moment with the two of you.

Understand & accept.

It’s going to be a bit out of your comfort zone but the faster you accept that, the better the result. There will be a few prompts and positions you’ve probably never done but just roll with it and make the best out of it. The outcome will be amazing!

Make a day out of it!

One of the best pieces of advice I have heard from couples is to make your engagement session part of a day-long date. Not only does this give you plenty of time for photos without feeling rushed, but starting your day in this mindset helps you feel connected and romantic as you head into the photo shoot. 

Bring a bottle of champagne.

Let’s make it explode and have a toast. This makes for some really cool/fun photos.

Kiss whenever you want to kiss!

Talk whenever you want to talk and touch whenever you want to touch. Honestly some of my favourite photos come a lot from random hand holding, touching and kissing.

Schedule your session around the sun!

You may have heard that there are certain times of the day that are better for photos and that’s all because of the light! Golden hour, which is that beautiful time of day just before the sun sets is when you will likely want to shoot if you’re looking for that glorious, golden light in your photos. It’s important to be aware of when the sun is going to set so that you have plenty of time to shoot before the light is gone. The early afternoon may sound like a good time for photos schedule-wise, but keep in mind that the light is much harsher at this time because the sun is directly overhead. Early, early morning light can also be magical, so you may want to consider a sunrise session where you arrive at your first location just as the sun starts to rise.

Outfits: Things to consider

Choose outfits that make you feel like a million bucks. If you do purchase something new, take it out for a test run. As much as you consider how your engagement outfits make you feel, think also about how they’ll photograph during your session. For ladies, I recommend choosing pieces that flow nicely as you move, especially if you’re doing your session outdoors.

Accessories! Do you like hats? Bring em! (or any other type of accessory).

Be sure to de-wrinkle your clothes before your session. Save yourself the stress and get wrinkle free ahead of time!

Bring shoes that are nice, comfortable and willing to get dirty. You never know where we end up!

Location: How to plan/things to consider

First figure out the look you want. Find inspiration on Pinterest, Instagram or by taking drives.

Let’s find a place where we can finish by doing something fun. Bring your swimsuits and let’s hop in the water or find a cool spot to watch the sunset.

Struggling to think of a location? Take a look at this wonderful list of locations I have complied over the years! If you’re still stuck, consult with me. I have amazing locations and can help your vision come to life!


Overall, these are photos you will have for a lifetime, lets make some awesome memories.


See you soon!